Thursday, May 5, 2011

Children's Day

Chris got up early to go to a teleconference. I slept in. When I finally got up, I had breakfast and e-mail. I looked outside and saw that it was a beautiful day! Temp was already in the 60's. Trying to decide which fabrics to bring to class tonight made me late to the thrift shop. On my way there, I stopped to take a pic of the school next to our apt complex. It was full of canopies under which families were eating picnic lunches. In the middle, they were having games or races.
At the thrift shop, one of the volunteer husbands was there installing security cameras. I shelved books and videos. We had a ton of VHS. We also got a lot of video games, but most were scratched. I came across a DDR disc and wished I'd brought our PS2. There was also a pile of DVD copies. We can't sell them, so I brought some home thinking we could watch them and give them back. I had a slight headache when I came and it steadily got worse. When we closed up at three, I wanted to sit and read in the park, but knew I had to go home and have something to eat and drink. Ms. Chung needed a ride to gate 8, and then I went home. I had lunch and several glasses of water. And then laid down, hoping the headache would subside. I even slept. When Chris came home, he had a package for me - the HST's from the TQS triangle exchange. One of the HSTs was from Ricky Tims himself! Some weren't labeled at all. It was great to get them though. Then it was time to go to class. The headache came with me. I wouldn't have minded staying home, but I am essential personnel in this matter. So I went, set up some tables, got out the machines, mats, cutters, etc. A lot of women showed up, even some who had never come before. Melanie explained how to make the snap-close bags and we dived right in. What a novel use for sections of metal tape measure! Melanie generously shared hers (she bought her husband a new one). I forgot to take pics, again. Well, they were all cute, trust me. Mine did not come out perfectly, so I took another set home to try it again. We cleaned up in record time. I was home by 9, to find Chris and Michele watching "King Kong". I watched for a little while, then decided to post to this blog and go to bed.

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