Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday is for quilting

I followed my usual morning routine. I packed some cheese for lunch, grabbed the stuff in the Monday box, and headed out the door. I dropped off recyclables on the way to post. I arrived almost on time at the SPC, but it didn't matter because no one was there. I set up what I needed to cut more baby quilts, and then Mary came. She helped me set up some more until others came. Kate brought a stack of old quilting magazines from someone who is PCSing. We looked through them. Cathy brought a stack of greens and pinks and we decided on a paper-pieced pattern. She also had a stack of magazines for us to look through. I found one I liked with watches on it. Never saw that on a quilt before. We ran late, only finished two baby quilts. But then, attendance was down for the day. It was after 3 when I left. I drove to gate 17 the long way 'cause Collier Field was roped off for something. I walked to the organic market. I bought the farm fresh eggs, and organic kimchi. On the way back, I passed a stand selling strawberries. They looked really good so I bought them. Then I went home. I hard-boiled the eggs and washed my popsicle molds after eating the last two popsicles. I spent some time on e-mail. Chris came home with a box of supplements. Some of them were for Julia, so I called her after supper but she didn't answer. She called me back later and wanted to meet at Seobinggo stn to get her stuff. It was 9 when she called from the stn. I met her there and she was tired, but we chatted for a bit about possible job opportunities she might have. Then she went home and so did I. I washed my veggies, and juiced them, this time adding some of the strawberries. I put the molds in the freezer. The strawberries were really ripe, so I froze the rest of them. Then I washed up the juicer and general area. I made his sandwich, and now I am ready for bed.
* I think this is the next pic from the Tokyo show *

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