Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chris is here!

I woke up a little after 6 and went out to watch the sun rise. The water was again clear and cold, but not too cold. I saw dolphins jumping out of the water. Like yesterday, the sun rose, and then went behind a cloud. Yesterday was overcast all day. Would today be the same? I went inside, and selected another book to read. Olivia was the first one to come up and join me. But soon others woke up, too. I think Michele was the last. I prepared breakfast and then ate it. I wanted to check e-mail, but did not have a computer to do it. Cecily checked her e-mail and found one from Chris. His flight to Dulles was delayed so he missed the one to Richmond. The airline gave him a room at the Hilton for the night and put him on standby for the 8am flight. We were very sad to hear that it would be even longer before we could see him again. He did catch that flight, and got a ride to his parents house. But then he took a nap before driving out to meet us at the beach.
Meanwhile at the beach, we donned our suits and headed out to the water. We had a lovely time. I even laid on my towel for awhile to enjoy the sun, which came and went. The others stopped at the pool, but had gone in by the time I came in from the beach. I changed out of my suit and read until lunch. Michele and James made kimchichigae for lunch. It was excellent. We saved a little for Chris. After lunch I settled in to read some more. When I realized how close to 6 it was, I walked downstairs and outside to watch for Chris. Michele then told me we were leaving fot the restaurant in 20 minutes. Olivia came out to ask me what I was doing. I said I wanted to be the first one to see Uncle Chris. She said "Me, too". Finally I went back to my room to change for supper. Then I noticed Chris' car turning into the drive way and I raced outside to greet him. He had three bags of garden produce from Cecily's neighbors. He was able to come in for a bit before we left for The Flying Fish. We go there every year 'cause Olivia likes it. But it is expensive. We ali enjoyed our meals. I ordered the seared raw tuna and the spinach salad. The tables are covered with paper so the kids can draw on them, and they did. Then we came back. Becca and Cecily had made rum raisin ice cream for dessert. I wasn't having any, so I went outside to get warm. When I came in, Chris was in bed already, asleep. So I went upstairs to beg/borrow/steal a computer to write my blog, planning to join him afterwards.

1 comment:

Gail said...

Yay for reunions! Sounds like you're having a good one. Give my love to everyone.