Friday, July 15, 2011

The quilt is almost done!

It was about 7:30 when I got up. I read e-mail for a bit, then had breakfast. I showered, dressed and went to the AnC center. Mary Ann and Cathy were already there. Mary Ann was ironing her quilt backing. We got it all loaded onto the Statler and Cathy quilted it. I showed Mary Ann how to cut and piece the binding. Then I cut pieces for Cecily's purses. At noon Cathy had to leave. The quilt was almost finished, and then I used the longarm to add the binding afterwards. Mary Ann trimmed the excess batting and backing and she left for an appointment. I stayed to finish cutting pieces. Then I had to walk out into the pouring rain to go home. Michele was watching Tremors 2, and I watched a little bit while having a bite to eat. Then Mary Ann came over to join the ends of the binding and to get started on the handsewing part. I worked on my purse while she sewed. For Mary Ann's benefit, I am going to mention the CD's I found on my sewing room floor. I highly suspect a cat climbed on my bookshelf and tried to make itself comfortable on the top shelf. After she left, I did some handsewing on the purse while listening to an interview on the internet. I was almost finished when my thread ran out. Now I have finished my e-mail and am ready to hit the hay.

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