Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Expletive

I awoke around 7. When I realized it was quiet in the courtyard, I went down there with a book on improving eyesight and my glasses. I read, barefoot in the sand, for about an hour. Then it hit me that I had forgotten my door pass. So I pressed the call button to our apartment building. But then a lady came out, so I went in. I took the elevator up. The door alarm was not sounding as I walked in the apt and Michele was still sound asleep. I fixed breakfast. Then I refilled the cats bowls and washed their water dish. It was a little slimy. I decided to call it 'kittyspit'. It dawned on me that it would make a good name for a rock band, or a great expletive. I don't have a rock band, so next time something goes wrong, I'll just say 'Oh, kittyspit!'
Anyway, after checking e-mail, and showering, I went to the thrift shop, dropping off a load of recyclables on the way. They had many boxes of books waiting for me, but I stayed until I had processed them all. Did not get to all the DVD's however. But I did add a bunch to the $1.50 rack. Mrs. Sharp stopped by for a bit to ask about Mary Ann. I stayed a little late to shop for tops. I bought 4. I plan on altering some of them. Then I sat outside, had a bite to eat and some water. I did a little energy work. Then I called Mary Ann and picked her up at the DHL. She came home with me. She said hi to the cats, and then we worked on her quilt. She sewed and cut cross-strips. By the time she had pinned the first stack (I am making her chain-piece them), it was after 5. Chris came home and we all chatted for a bit before she had to leave. It is her son's 21st birthday and they were going out. Chris heated up pork for supper. I also ate 3 veggie pops. Then I finished ironing my stack of damp fabric while watching 'Hancock'.
* Here is a pic from the Tokyo Show *

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