Friday, July 1, 2011

Professional pictures

After having breakfast and skimming e-mail, I went into my sewing room to finish the dahlia quilt. I auditioned three fabric for the binding, and chose one. I cut the strips and sewed them together, then put my ironing board in front of my sewing table to make it bigger. I moved my machine to the ironing board to sew on the binding. Then I made myself comfortable in Michele's chair in the living room 'cause that is where the light is best. I sat there and hand-sewed the binding for a little more than 4 hours. About 3 Mary Ann came over to visit the cats. When I finished the quilt, I called the AnC center to make sure the photographer was still there. Then we took the dahlia quilt and the charm quilt over there to be photographed. If I had known how inexpensive it was, I would have taken all my quilts. Anyway, the king-size charm quilt was too big to photograph it all, but he did the best he could. Then he cropped the pics and put them on a CD for me. Cost was $7. Mary Ann was thirsty so we stopped by the shoppette for a drink and sat on some rocks near the Chosun. I was glad to be able to rest my bare feet on the ground (not raining for once). We chatted for awhile, then I took her back to the DHL so I could go through my gate before it closed. Michele and Chris had already eaten, so I had leftovers. Then hit my inbox pretty hard. With all the quilting lately, I have not been able to keep the unread messages down to 16.

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