Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Shopping for sewing supplies

I tried to get up early, but it was already 7:30 when I woke up. I don't really remember what I did this morning, other than read e-mail and edit and print some files. Oh, and feed the cats. It was almost 11 when I finished. And then it occurred to me that I should take out the recyclables on the way to the thrift shop. So I assembled the bags of sorted items and headed out. I dropped off the watermelon rind first, then the cans, bottles, and plastic. It was raining and I got a little wet. At the thrift shop there were not as many books as we have been having lately. I finished them and then worked on DVD's, CD's, VHS, etc. I gave a lot of empty DVD and CD cases to charity. Someone dropped off some Xanth novels, and I bought 4 of them. I also got a tie for Chris that I think will match his tan suit. I finished up at 2:20 and picked up Mary Ann from the DHL. We parked at gate 17 and rode the subway to Dongdaemun. We were looking for 60" flannel, but could only find it in white. So she picked a nice gold from Happy Quilt. I bought a nice green. I don't think I have it already, but I liked it so much that it is ok if I do. Then I bought size 11 needles for our group machines, and matching thread for two of my projects. We walked outside to get food. Couldn't find regular kimbap, so we settled for mini-kimbaps. Then we walked across the river to the underwear market. I got three pairs of my favorite flowered ones, and three pairs of flesh-colored ones to wear with the white shorts in progress. I took Mary Ann back to her hotel, and went home. Since neither Chris or Michele were home (and it was after 5:30) I figured they had gone to a movie, so I ate leftovers from the fridge. That was when Chris came home. So he ate on his own. I had brought home some movies from the thrift shop, but only one would play. It was "Romeo and Juliet" with Leonardo Di Caprio. I didn't like it 'cause the dialogue was in the original old English and it was hard to interpret. Then I finished serging my three pairs of shorts. I added waistbands and hemmed one pair. I need to hem the others and add elastic to all of them. I also want to finish the purse I started for class. I made Cecily one, and Michele one, and if I have one, we will all have matching purses at the beach in two weeks. Cool, huh?
* Tokyo quilt *

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