Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday at Cracker Barrel

Michele said she missed Cracker Barrel so Alfred took us there for lunch. Cecily and I had salad, while Michele and Alfred had breakfast entrees. Out in the sales area the big attraction was a rolling broom with a witch's hat that cackled as it moved. On the way home we dropped off Cecily for her nail appointment. Michele and I read for awhile, and Alfred went back for Cecily and they stopped for potatoes. When they got back, Michele, Alfred and I went to Goodwill. We were just curious so it was ok that we did not find anything we wanted. We read some more, and I checked e-mail. Cecily showed Michele how to cook corned beef and cabbage in a pressure cooker. They also made potatoes, carrots, and onions. Then I read outside until supper was ready and Michele delivered a bowl of it to the neighbors. The TV says we are having a heat wave but it just doesn't feel that hot to me. AFter supper we watched Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Then I sat on the couch to read and fell asleep. Michele woke me up to go to bed, but I elected to stay up and watch HOUSE. Hopefully now I can sleep in a little later.
I am writing this post on the desktop, but I will have to go to Michele's laptop to publish it. For some reason the "Publish" button doesn't work with this version of Internet Explorer.

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