Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First Place

I got up early to make Chris' sandwich, then went back to bed. Later, I got our anti-virus software started on it's usual Wednesday run. I read e-mail for a while, had breakfast, fed the cats, and worked on my shorts. I had some lunch and took a shower, after which I felt like lying down to read. So I did. Then I got dressed, and wrote up the minutes for our group. I met Chris at the gate. We went to the AnC center for an awards ceremony. In the fibers category my dahlia got first place for professional, and Cathy's lilac quilt took first place for novice. We each got a shiny crystal-like award. Chris took a pic. Mary Ann came, too. After the ceremony, while everyone was having refreshments, I asked Ms. Kim about substituting a better pic for my charm quilt. It only got an honorable mention and it might be because of the picture. She said if I sent her one today she'd see what she could do. I got Cathy to sign the minutes, and dropped them off next door. Then Chris dropped us off at the gate and went back to work. Mary Ann had brought her washed quilt backing. We cut it in half, ironed it, pieced it, and trimmed the seam. I also trimmed the edges so it is a perfect rectangle and ready for the longarm. After she left, I looked at Chris and said "Michele isn't here." It is the mating call of parents everywhere. So..., and then we had supper. I got on my computer to answer e-mail and to log my volunteer hours.


Anonymous said...

YaHooo!! Congratulations Fern on First Place!!! Yay!!!!
AL back in CA.

Fern said...

Thanks. Still in California? I thought you had moved.