Friday, July 8, 2011

Rhymes with 'kittyspit'

I think the first thing I did when I got up was to juice celery and carrots. I drank that and was too full for breakfast, so I checked my e-mail. When I came out, I noticed something on the floor next to my silk rug. It wasn't kitty SPIT. I picked it up with a tissue and disposed of it. Then I noticed something on the rug. I did not know what it was other than a cat product. Mary Ann thinks it might have been kitty spit-up. I don't know how one is supposed to clean a silk rug, but I used a lot of cool water and very mild soap. Then I propped it up to dry. I was not happy. Then I had breakfast, and got to work altering some clothing. I put elastic in the wrap-n-tie pants. I put a v-line neck in a shirt with a collar. I put a v-line neck in a t-shirt and lined it with ribbon. I had intended to get my hair cut, but just didn't feel like leaving the apt. So about 4 I called Mary Ann to tell her she could come over. I ironed dry some fabric until she came. She and I worked on her quilt top and got all the blocks into rows. While she was sewing and trimming, I covered the spot on the rug with baking soda to neutralize any acid in it. After a while I swept it up. We thought Chris would come home at 5:15 which would alert us to the time, but he didn't get home until almost 8. It was too late for Mary Ann to get through the gate. So she had to walk to old gate 52 for her husband to pick her up. Chris brought me a letter from Switzerland. It had hst's from the exchange. Isn't it wonderful? We had leftovers for supper and then cut into the watermelon from yesterday. Michele and I each had an eighth. I rechecked my e-mail, seeing that lots of new stuff came in. When Chris kissed me goodnight and went to bed, I decided to post to this blog and then follow him. BTW, the cats are locked out on the porch tonight.

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