Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Second day of cleaning


I got up at 7:30, having slept surprisingly well. Was is because of the grounding cord I randomly used last night?

I got ready for the day. Then read e-mail and finished a Mike Adams interview with a guy who sells compost tea.

At 10 I went to the second street house to clean. I scrubbed the stove and parts of the fridge for 2 hours. I found the lost key - it was in the bottom of my cleaning bucket.

Then I went home. I made breakfast. Chris came home about 1 for lunch. I read e-mail and watched short videos.

At 2 I took my trombone and went to Saronna's house. I brought a book of songs from Jesus Christ Superstar. She hadn't seen the movie or heard the songs. But we tried a few. Most had a base line too low for the string bass.

Afterward, I walked next door to drop off a full bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Then I went home. I got a call from a man who wants to drop off stuff for the swap shop. We settled on 3:30 on Sunday. I ate a piece of the cashew cake from Michelle. I sprinkled some cocoa powder on it. MMMM

At 3:30, I went to the school. I met Diane, Jenni and Tonja for walking. Tonja had one of her cats in a stroller. We walked around the school block. I brought a bag for picking up trash. When we got back to the starting point, the ladies split up.

I went back to the house to clean. I finished the fridge and cleaned behind it so I could shove it back in place. Then I finished the oven so I could shove it back in place as well. I worked on the cupboards until 6.

I went home. Chris was having his supper. I made mine. Herberth called and we both said hello. I read e-mail and watched some videos. Then I made tea and we watched SG1. We snuggled on the couch and it turned into something else. That meant the evening routine went sideways: the sprouts didn't get rinsed, and the phone didn't get turned off. I did manage to switch off wi-fi and take melatonin.

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