Monday, April 24, 2023

The puzzle party


I got up around 8. I must have fallen asleep pretty quickly last night. I woke earlier, but went right back to sleep. I took the drops again. I rinsed the sprouts really well. I brushed and swished. I sprinkled used coffee grounds over the roots of the microgreens, then sat down to read e-mail.

Chris gave me a coconut oil massage, then we took our showers. I listened to an interview while ironing yardage. Chris went to work. I made and ate breakfast, then got dressed up. I took cheese squares and my trombone to church. The supply pastor got out of his car as I drove up. I had the key and he used it to let us in.

While he turned on lights and HVAC, I searched for a pianist's version of our hymn book and did not find one. I set up my trombone. I chatted with John. Jenni and her husband arrived. Then the pastor started the service. I played two hymns. The pastor gave his sermon about the holy trinity. I played three more hymns, suggested by congregants.

Afterwards, we chatted in groups. People snacked on cheese squares and headed out. I went home to change clothes. Then I went, at Rebecca's invitation, to her house to join a puzzle party already in progress.

It was a hard 1500 piece puzzle. The pic on the box did not show the whole thing so we had to guess at the top part. We had a good time. Then at 5, I went home for the family game, only to find out that John wasn't ready so it was canceled. Chris was making his supper, so I ate avocado dip with celery. I also had some sunflower sprouts, and rice.

I put on an interview and listened while I ironed yards and yards of fabric. Then at 8, I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched episodes of SG1. Afterward, we made the bed with clean sheets. Chris went to bed not long after. I stayed up till aftr 11 reading comments on a tinnitus article.

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