Friday, April 14, 2023

The downside of a high-seed diet


I got up at 8. I made up supplements and watered and fed the plants. I checked e-mail, watched a video on keeping teeth healthy. She recommended a low or no seed diet because of phytic acid. Yikes!

I cleaned at the second street house for 2 hours, scrubbing burner grills and walls and took a quote call. I started the self-clean cycle on the stove and went home for breakfast. Chris was home and handed me a box from the post office. I made breakfast and watched The Highwire. I ate some sunflower sprouts and posted the next sewing class to Facebook.

At 3:25 I called Jenni to ask if she wanted to walk. Then I sat down to read a book and fell asleep. She texted at 3:50 to meet at the gym. So I roused myself and drove down there. We walked around the track for half an hour or so. Then I went to the second street house to wipe out the stove since it was done self-cleaning.

That took about 15 minutes.

I drove to the quote appointment, arriving exactly at 5 and heard the trumpet playing. So I stood respectfully facing the speakers until it was over. The resident let me in and showed me around his house. It was pretty clean. I told him Jamie could quote him on the yard and bathrooms cause everything else was fine or easily manageable.

I went back to the second street house. I worked till after 6 on windows, blinds and walls. Then I went home. Chris was already there with his weekly pizza. I made supper and listened to Mike Adams interview Sayer Ji.

I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of SG1. Chris checked his e-mail and went to bed. I stayed up till 11 catching up on the latest links.

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