Thursday, April 27, 2023

The sexual assault ribbon


I got up around 7, thinking it was later. I drank hydrogen water and took 4 drops of the mix Melanie gave me. I put on water for coffee. To get the plastic particles out of the coffee grounds, I looked for a balloon, but couldn't find one. I tried making static with a disposable glove, but that didn't work. However, rubbing a milk jug on my head, did. I held it over the coffee grounds and it picked up particles. Not all were plastic, and I had to do it multiple times to get most of the plastic. Sigh.

After making coffee and doing the lymph exercises, I started meditation and tapping. I also started the MMS protocol. When that process was done, I cleaned the bathrooms, then moved to the kitchen. I cleaned counter tops and washed dishes. Chris did not come home for lunch, which was good because I mopped the floor all the way to the front door. Then I vacuumed the carpets and took a shower.

CJ brought two dozen eggs by. But one tall one cracked on top. I read some e-mail, fretting over how my schedule is being hijacked today. Because of “Denim Day”, everyone is supposed to gather at the parade field at 4 in teal shirts for a picture in the shape of a ribbon. I tried on a pair of jeans, but there was no way I could get them on. So I put on blue pants. Then I met the ladies at 3 to go walking. I had to take that dose of MMS early.

When I got to the gym, I explained that I was in a bad mood. They didn't seem to mind. We walked the long way around and came out at the parade field, half an hour early. So we stood around talking. Diane had lots of teal t-shirts to give away. She also had teal balloons for everyone to hold in the picture. I waited until 4 to blow mine up because others were popping in the heat. Then I discovered it had a slow leak in it. So I had to get another one.

Around 4:15 we had enough people for a picture. There was a crane there to hold the photographer up high enough. After several shots, the people dispersed. Eventually Michelle and Tonja and I walked back to the gym. Tonja went home but Michelle and I stayed to work out. We did a free weight workout for upper body and used the weight machines for legs. Anca's husband was around, chatting with Michelle as I worked out.

When I was done, we all went our separate ways. I went home. I divided a dozen of the eggs into 3's, beat them, and put them in the freezer. Chris came home briefly to change clothes and check his game. Then he was off to the chapel to meet the colonel. I worked on my blog, then read e-mail. After he got back, I made tea and we watched several episodes of SG1. I looked up some of the characters that seemed familiar. Chris went to bed soon after, but I stayed up until almost 11 to take 4 more drops and to do a little yoga for relaxation.

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