Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Second day of telework


I got up before 8. Chris had already gone to the office. There was another layer of snow outside. I got ready for the day. While listening to an interview, I wrapped a headband with copper wire. I watched a video on making tofu from pumpkin seeds.

Chris came home early for a short lunch. I kept reading. I looked up prices online to compare the price of making seed crackers vs price of making cheese squares. Seed crackers are cheaper. I made and ate breakfast.

At two I got dressed, and took my trombone to Saronna's house. Her whole family was there because it was spring break and her husband was off of work. I chatted with her and her husband. Then she and I played a mix of songs. We talked until it was time to walk. He lent me his season 5 of SG1.

I met Diane at the gym. The doors were locked, so we walked outside. It was cold but not windy so it was a nice walk. When we got back to the gym, she left and Tonja called me. She and Jamie were picking up some bulk trash that was actually good enough for the swap shop. (Bulk trash pick-up was rescheduled from Monday to Thursday).

When I got home, I listened to whatever was next. Chris came home for supper. I made a salad and ate it with the last of the batch of sprouts.. Later I had some cheese squares with bacon. MMMMM. I worked on my blog.

After posting, I took the chillow over to Saronna's house so her husband could use it. I threw in some lidocaine patches as well. We chatted a bit, then I went home. I heated tea and we watched two episodes of SG1. Not too long after that, Chris went to bed. I stayed up a little later.

I looked up the Chinese organ chart and found out that 11pm to 1am is the gallbladder time and 1am to 3am in the liver time. So I took some liver and gall bladder supplements before I went to bed, thinking it would help me sleep better during that time. But if felt like the capsules were stuck in my throat. And no matter how many times I swallowed, even with water and then kombucha, the feeling would not go away. I did some tapping and waited it out.

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