Friday, June 21, 2024

A better watering system than before!


I woke up hearing Chris take his shower. I stayed in bed until he left, and then I heard noise in the kitchen. So I got up to check it out. It was Chris taking out the garbage because Thursday is garbage collection day. After he left, I took out the bathroom garbages and the sewing room garbage. I took the morning supplements, then read some e-mail. I watered the plants at home. I watered gopher holes, too, but none came up.

I took my Bible and went to the garden to water and fertilize those plants. There were no mice in the garden trap but two mice in the shed trap. I also put in some gopher stakes. I stopped at Housing to set up an inspection for next week.

I headed to the gas station, stopping at the apple tree to dump a gallon of water. I filled my tank, then went to the Community Club for Bible study. But it was locked. So I texted the leader and we ended up agreeing to meet at the chapel. I unlocked it and went in. The others arrived later. We talked until Jenni showed up. Then we read from Matthew. In 10 minutes she had to leave. We did more talking.

It was almost noon when I got home. I started making breakfast. I had no internet. But when Chris came home for lunch, he said it was canceled because the bank didn't send the payment to the company, but it should be on shortly. And it was. I ate and watched The Highwire. It went over 2 hours. I also read Telegram messages. Later I dressed scantily and laid out in the sun. The black wrought iron was hot so I had to get out the lounge cushions. Then I wiped off and re-dressed.

Jamie called to tell me that she was setting up the apple and pear trees with hoses and timers. What a great idea! I jotted down gardening notes in a file for later. I looked up how to check my laptop battery since it seemed to be getting hot. The resulting report showed everything was fine. I mowed the backyard, coming across a baby gopher. I pulled it out of the way. I mowed the front yard on both sides. Then I had to plug in the battery to recharge. When I had cooled off, I ate one of the pre-packaged meals.

I read e-mail for awhile, then went to the swap shop to open it by request. She didn't show up on time so I found a broom and swept the halls of the building. It was full of ants and moths and bugs. I also put the mattress cover with the mattress. Then she came in with her 2-month-old. I held the baby while she 'shopped' and we talked. Then she left and I locked up.

I went home and made a salad. I listened to the rest of several podcasts I had started. I cut up a pineapple and stored the pieces in Tupperware. Chris came home from a meeting in Tooele. He heated a meal for himself. Since the Community Club was closed, he could not buy his usual pizza. I posted to my blog. I looked up ways to sew a star that kids could do.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Then he went to bed. I stayed up to read, and get ready for bed. Then I retired to the recliner with headphones on. I spent a long time trying to get to sleep. Finally I went to bed. But then RLS hit. When will it ever end?

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