Monday, June 24, 2024

Planting potatoes


I got up around 8. I brushed, etc. I checked messages and read e-mail. I watered the outdoor plants. I went to the garden to water and to check the irrigation system. I covered the pea plants with netting. I checked the traps and watered the peony down the fence line.

I finished a podcast on news as a social construct. I looked up homemade yeast fertilizers. I went to Pinyon Drive, then contacted Jamie. She came over with her van. We talked to the lady moving out and then loaded all her swap shop feasible stuff in Jamie's van. We then met at the swap shop to unload. Some of it needed to be brushed off. She went home and I took some pics to post.

I went home and made breakfast. I ate, then washed up and got dressed for church. Chris cut up the jicama. I took that and the leftover cheese squares to church.

I laid out the snacks, then went up front to assemble my trombone and talk to Keli. Then we sang praise songs. The chaplain talked about prophesies of Jesus, then our little band played two hymns. Afterward, Karen told me the charcoal bags worked, getting rid of the smell in her fridge. She also asked about a chest freezer, but I didn't know of one. I promised to post on Facebook. Jenni and I agreed to swim at 4.

I went home. I ate fruit and read e-mail. I watched gardening videos. I put on my bathing suit and met Jenni at the pool. I took my clock and set it where I could see it. She and I talked and swam for an hour. We also talked to Brook, the lady we bought our cow from. Then I got out, toweled off, took my clock and went home.

I changed into fresh clothes. I read e-mail for awhile. Then I went to the garden to plant potatoes that had sprouted in my cupboard. In fact, one sprout was longer than my 2 foot quilt ruler. I weeded part of a row in the garden and planted the sprouted potatoes there. On the way home, I stopped at 403 to get my watermelon. Jamie was there trying to water the lawn. We talked a bit, then I got my watermelon and came home.

I put on the sprinkler to water my crunchy grass. I heated some beef in the toaster oven. I picked lettuce and made a salad. Then I ate while listening to a talk on red meat. When I noticed the time, I worked on my blog and turned off the sprinkler. I sliced a strip off the top of the watermelon so it would fit in the fridge.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to read e-mail. I got ready for sleep, and crawled into the recliner with soft relaxing music. But for some reason, sleep would not come. So I turned it off and went to bed.

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