Monday, June 10, 2024

No dead mice


I got up around 8:30. I brushed with the new tooth powder and took supplements. I read e-mail for awhile. I looked into taking akkermansia or things that promote its production, like B. Animalis.

I watered the plants, inside and out. There were more plants to water after planting yesterday. Then I went to check on the garden. I took along a plastic bag to transport dead mice. But there weren't any. The mouse in the orange bucket found something stuck on the wall of the bucket to cling to. And I hadn't put water in the bucket between the sheds. There was a whole pile of mice in there, all alive. Summer and her kids came to work on their garden.

I went home. I jotted notes for my blog. I made and ate breakfast, then got dressed for church. I took my trombone, seed crackers and music and headed to the chapel. I stopped by house #2 to turn on the water, but it was already running.

I went to the chapel, assembled my trombone, then set up the music and realized it was for next week. I ran home to get this weeks music. The service had started, so I walked down the left side of the chapel and sat in my usual spot. We sang three songs, then the chaplain gave the sermon. He also had an altar call where people could go up to be prayed for. Then we musicians went up to play the hymns. I found them a bit hard to read which was surprising because I played through it all last night.

Anyway, I chatted with Keli and Saronna and Jenni. Then I talked to the new wife. She said the fridge had been unplugged and smelled bad. I suggested baking soda but she wanted more. So I ran home and got the charcoal bags that I use to deter mold and mildew. I came back and gave them to her. After she left, the chaplain asked me to text him Keli's number. Then I left again. I went to house #2 to turn off the water. I went home. I read e-mail and Telegram messages.

I was about to leave when Chris opened the pot of ribs that had been cooking all day. So I had to have some of those. I went to the pool to get their dead mice, but they had already thrown them out. I told them I had changed my mind. Then I went to the garden and poured a gallon of water into the bucket of mice. I wouldn't want them to die of heat stroke.

I went home. I read for awhile. I listened to a podcast and mended the lining of Chris' jacket. I made a salad picked from the tower garden. After eating, I made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. Chris went to bed. I cut up a watermelon rind for the compost. It made my hands hurt. I read some e-mail, then put on sleep music and climbed into the recliner. I fell asleep. When I woke up, I went to bed.

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