Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Surprise cleaning contract


I got up around 8 because I had a hard time falling asleep. I don't know why because I was not in pain, or worried, or having hot flashes. Just couldn't sleep. I started my day with water and supplements. I read e-mail for awhile. I got dressed and prepared a contract in case an inspection did not go through. I went outside to water the plants. Then I went to the garden to plant potatoes and water the box of soil and check the traps. I collected a bag of leaves for mulch at home. I stopped by the pear tree and moved the hose to the apple tree.

When I got home, I read a few messages, then made and ate breakfast. I got a call for last minute cleaning. So I ran over there with a contract. I looked around and quoted him $600 as a lock-the-door-and leave price. He was only too willing because he was ready to leave and didn't pass inspection. He didn't have cash so I called Jamie to come over since she has Venmo. Once he paid her, we all signed the contract. The Housing team left and I stayed to talk to him. He seemed to need it. Then I left so he could finish up and head out.

I went to the library to print hymns, but didn't have my thumb drive. So I went home and ate watermelon. I posted for band practice. The thumb drive was still in the computer. I took it back to the library. Keli printed the pages for me. Then Melissa showed me all the kits they had for veterans and offered me some for sewing class. So I took 10 packs of a leather pouch kit. I figure the kids need to practice their hand sewing skills.

I went home. I got a text from the lady who is looking for a freezer for taxidermy purposes. Chris had told me at lunch that the chapel was available. So I told her and she wanted to see the freezer. So I met her there, dropping off the copies of hymns. I showed her the freezer and told her Saronna offered space as well. Then we went to the swap shop. She found a few things there. After she left, I talked to Kim who had it open. No one else had come. So I went home and posted pics of stuff to the Facebook pages, hoping more people would show up.

I read e-mail for awhile, then added shredded paper to the compost pile along with pieces of watermelon rind. I mixed up a batch of yeast for the garden. Then I left it to sit for several hours. I went to the post office to ask about a package that I was expecting last week.

Chris had put beef in the oven before he left for work. I pulled the beef out and put some in a bowl. I ate it while reading Telegram messages. Chris came home from work. I headed to 403 to inspect it and wipe up anything I found. Then I packed the stuff I had left behind in my car and took it to 612 where I unloaded the cleaning supplies. I soaked paper towels in a spray cleaner (I did not have my bottle of vinegar) and placed them on the ring in the toilet. Then I locked it up and went home.

I picked lettuce for a salad and added stuff from the fridge. I ate quickly and then grabbed my trombone and headed to the chapel for band. Keli, our pianist came, but no one else did. So we had a fairly quiet night. We played hymns and pop tunes. A lady called to get in the swap shop. I suggested at 8. Later she called back to say tomorrow would be better so we agreed on 10am. Keli and I packed up to go home.

When I got home, I messaged another lady who also wants to get in the swap shop. Her message came 15 minutes after the swap shop closed. Really? Seriously? Well, she'll have to wait until tomorrow. I went home. I turned on the sprinkler. I diluted the yeast batch and watered a bunch of plants.

Then I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. I got ready for bed, then listened to This Week with Mary and Polly. Then I put on some sleep music and settled into the recliner. I actually did fall asleep. When I woke up, different music was playing. I went to bed.

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