Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Jamie helped me clean


It was a bad night. RLS kicked in and none of the usual things (calcium, stretching, salt) worked. I took some activated charcoal and resigned myself to being awake. But I must have slept because I awoke to Chris taking a shower at 7, which was unusually late.

After he left, I got up. I listened to a gardening video. Chris called to say the water was on the first half of the gardens. I worked on rebooting the old desktop so I could scan hymns, but the disc sector check was taking forever. I watered plants outside, then went to the garden to water. I checked out the other zone and it had major leaks.

Then I went to 403 to clean. I was late, but Jamie wasn't there yet. I worked on the last few windows until I heard her arrive. Then we talked for some time. We saved perfectly good boxes to go to the swap shop. We went through the items left in the garage. Finally we retired to cleaning. I finished the windows, then shampooed the carpet in one room, and went home for breakfast.

I fixed breakfast, then scanned two hymns and roughly cleaned them up. I loaded them on a thumb drive. I ate breakfast and read e-mail. I went to the library to print out the hymns from the drive. I chatted with Melissa, then left with my copies (but not with the thumb drive).

I went back to clean. Jamie was on a break. We talked, then we cleaned. She went home. I finished up about 6. I went home to heat some leftovers for supper. I saw an ambulance next door. I sent her a message. I worked on my blog.

After eating, I went to the chapel for Band Practice. Keli didn't come, so Saronna, and Bethany and I played mostly from the hymnal. When my lip gave out, we packed up and went home. Actually, I went by the garden to cover the tomato plants because the temp is projected to drop into the 30's. Then I went home to cover those plants as well.

Finally I made tea and sat on the couch with some cherries. When Chris was ready, we watched one episode of WTR. Then we both retired to our computers. He went to bed around 10. I stayed up to read Telegram messages and to stretch. Then I put on the last Sherlock Holmes story and crawled into the recliner, hoping for a restful night.

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