Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Giving away the stuff left behind


I got up before the alarm at 7:30. I brushed, etc. I read the first e-mails of the day. I watered the plants outside the house. I swept up the tiny debris that collects under the siding and used it as mulch for the plants in pots. I also used grass clippings from the lawn mower.

I went by the swap shop to drop off some items and unlock the doors for people who plan to come by later. I went to 612 to clean. I spent two hours in the kitchen. Then I went home for breakfast.

Chris came home for lunch. I made more breakfast mix, then made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. Then I went to 403 for the inspection. It passed without a single comment. I got a text from someone looking for a dryer hose, so I told her to meet me at 612. I went there and liberated the dryer hose that was left behind and gave it to her when she drove up. I went by the swap shop to lock up, then home to eat watermelon and read e-mail.

At 2, I went to Saronna's house with my trombone. First we talked about everything, then we played through the hymns from last night. It was after 3 when I left. I went to 612 to clean and go through the leftovers. There was a trash bag full of spices and such from the cabinets. I rescued what was worth rescuing. Then I finished cleaning the kitchen and worked on the sliding glass doors. Then I went home for supper.

I texted Saronna about all the stuff left behind. Then I heated some beef for supper. Saronna texted back that she had time tonight, so I ran over to meet her there. She took all the spices and some of the cleaners and the toothpaste and some half-empty bottles of stuff she uses. The kids were all over and wanted to climb out the upper windows, but we both told them no. The boys went outside and got stung. Then she packed up and took them home.

I went home to finish making my salad. I turned on the sprinkler. I ate while watching short videos. Then I went out to mow, particularly near the built-in sprinkler heads. I turned the rotating sprinkler off (two different kinds of sprinklers). Then I went inside to work on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger.

Chris went to bed shortly thereafter, and I read for another hour. Then I put on the same music from last night. When I woke up, a different music was playing. I went to bed.

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