Monday, June 3, 2024

Watering the apple tree


I woke up early, but fell asleep again at some point. Chris came in at 8:30 to wake me up but he heard him coming down the hall. I got up and brushed. I read e-mail and looked up something. I watched part of an interview of a reporter who wrote a book about nuclear war.

I watered all the plants. I fashioned a bag of netting to protect the strawberry plant, then realized it will also stop pollinators. I watered some gopher holes. I came in and used Michelle's ingredients (and some of mine) to make a batch of cheese squares for her.

I made and ate breakfast. I listened to more of the 2+ hour interview. I got dressed and went to church. I laid the seed crackers on the back table, then went up front to assemble my trombone. I talked to Keli and to Ava. Then Keli joined the chaplain in singing the two praise songs. The chaplain gave his sermon, keeping a water bottle nearby. Then Keli and I played two hymns and I noticed that my slide was dry.

After the service, we all chatted. Some ate seed crackers on the way out. I asked Jenni about going to the pool at 3. Then I went home. I listened to more of the interview. Then I put on my bathing suit, grabbed the big clock, and went to the pool.

I joined Jenni in the pool. We swam and talked. Then Michelle showed up. She had turned on the sauna. Casey got in the pool. Michelle talked to us from the lounger. After I had been in more than an hour, we got out. Jenni and I went in the sauna while Michelle and Casey went home. We chatted as it got really hot. Then we got out, toweled off and I left.

I went by the front desk to ask if they had seen my watch and black bracelet. And yes, there they were. She also had a bag of fabric scraps for me. They were ones Michelle had taken to decorate Brittany's office.

When I got home, I texted Michelle. I looked at the Slide Doctor website. Michelle came over to get her cheese squares. Then I went to the garden to water and empty the bucket trap. Then I went by her house to pick up goat milk. I forgot to bring money. I stopped to turn on the water to the apple tree, then went home.

Chris had made ground beef. He put on some rice while I was listening to more of the interview. Neither of us heard the timer and the rice burned. I ate the ground beef, then made a salad. I finished the interview and watched short videos on the Slide Doctor website.

I posted to my blog. I made tea. While it heated, I ran to the house near the apple tree to turn off the water. When I got back, the tea was boiling. Chris and I sat on the couch and watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to read.

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