Monday, June 17, 2024

Father's Day meal at the Luna's house


I woke up after 7, having slept pretty well, or having forgotten being awake. I took supplements and drank water. I read some e-mail, then watered outside. It was surprisingly cool and windy. The stand on top of the tower garden had blown over and I put it back up. I put water and peanut butter in the bucket trap.

I read more e-mail. I went to the garden. Casey was there, just finishing up. I gave him back the fart spray. I emptied the trap in my garden, then put water and peanut butter in it. I replaced the batteries in the timer. I watered my rows and then the strawberries in the next plot. I re-timed the irrigation system to watch it come on. And it did. There was a leak and I fixed it.

I filled a black pot with dried steer manure from a bag in my garden. I put it, and a gallon jug of water in my car. I drove over to the sheds. I filled that trap with water and added peanut butter to the lid. Then I headed home.

I wrapped some apricot seeds in a wet paper towel, hoping they will sprout. I jotted notes for my blog about what I did so far today. I continued reading e-mail and watched a documentary on AI gobbledygook published in scientific journals with AI reviewers. Over 11,000 articles had to be retracted.

I made and ate breakfast. I got dressed for church. I took cheese squares and music and went to the chapel. Bethany came right after me and I invited her to sit up front with me. In addition to our regulars, we had 4 servicemen also attend.

We sang three praise songs. The chaplain gave his sermon. Then the band played two hymns. There was talking and snacking afterward. I went home to change clothes. I walked to MeryAnn's house. A crowd was there already, finishing up the meal. She took me to the kitchen and explained each food item. I tried most of them. I sat at the adult table beside Chris to eat. We had some great conversation and the other lady my age said she was interested in coming to Project Night.

We left at 4:30 to get ready for the family game. Not that we needed that much time because John was almost an hour late getting the game started. Our little band took two hours to kill the beast, and then it was 8pm and everybody signed out.

I picked greens for a salad and sliced up a carrot. After eating, we watched WTR. Chris went to bed. I read more articles, then put on the Sherlock story track from where I ended it last night. However, RLS dogged me the entire time so finally I got up and went to bed.

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