Friday, June 7, 2024

No Bible Study


I got up after the 7:35 alarm, having been awakened by Reveille. I took supplements, brushed my teeth, and found two cartons of eggs on the doorstep. I put out a bag of egg cartons and cash, and messaged her. Then I watered the plants. I checked e-mail and read messages. Jen called to reschedule the signover. I got the contract ready and put it in my car. I watered outside. I didn't have a new end to put on a damaged soaker hose so I screwed a washing machine hose to the other end. Problem solved. I selected some smaller boxes for Jen. I printed a copy of one of the hymns, but it did not come out well. Sigh.

I went to house #2 and turned on the water to the apple tree. Then I went to the community club for Bible study but no one was there. I went back to my car to look up the chaplain's number. Ava drove up and we discussed it. She went home. I texted the chaplain and headed out. He called me and I pulled over to answer. He had a sudden tasking, so I agreed to let everyone know. I called Jenni to help 'cause she knows everybody.

Then I went to the post office to pick up the mail. I checked the furniture room for more boxes, but found half a dozen 5 gallon water bottles. I took one and went home. I called Jenni to find out who donated them and if they needed cleaning. She said it was Jamie.

I rinsed out the bottle with hydrogen peroxide. I perused messages again. I made breakfast and ate it while listening to The Highwire. Then I paused it to go to Jen's house for the signover. I brought her the boxes. Then I went back home to watch the rest of The Highwire. I also worked on drawing in notes and staff lines with a black pen. But it wasn't a great result. So I loaded the hymn jpgs to a thumb drive.

I hooked up the irrigation timer to the hose at the house to test it. It showed the time, but would not turn on the water. I took the batteries out and tested them. They were fine, but hot. When they had cooled off, I put them back in the timer and this time it worked. I went to Self Help to get another bucket trap and a battery-powered weed eater for the garden. But they did not have the latter. We talked for awhile, then I went home. I got the key to Jen's house and went to see what was left behind.

Then I went to the library to print copies of the hymn jpgs . It took some trial and error, but I got the copies I needed. A man came in to return some DVD's and we talked about what TV series are worth watching. After he left, I was still talking to Melissa.

But the library closed at 7, so I went to the Community Club for Game Night. There wasn't much gaming going on. I went to Mery Ann's table and talked with them for awhile. Then I moved to the ladies table and chatted with Jenni, Charity, and Shannon. After that chat, I saw Steve - so I went to my car to get the Swiffer pads that I was never going to use. I gave them to him because he cleans the laundry room at his apt building.

I went home and made a salad. I ate while reading messages and listening to music. I worked on my blog and made tea. I took supplements. I quit reading and got some peanut butter to bait the new trap. Then I got ready for bed and climbed into the recliner. But the music I chose wasn't very long and it kept changing to some other form of meditation music. It might have been ok, but then the commercials started interrupting, and I just got up and went to bed.

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