Thursday, June 6, 2024

Getting the irrigation system ready for the summer


I got up at 7:30. I got ready for coffee morning: coffee, exercises, drybrushing, supplements, reading, meditating and tapping. Everything went well. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I washed dishes. I mopped the kitchen floor and vacuumed the others. I emptied the dirt cups, then took a shower.

I was wrapped in a towel and reading e-mail when a lady messaged me about wanting to see the swap shop. So I got dressed and ran down there. I opened the door and let her look around. She wanted a plant pot so I had her follow me home. We talked for a long time, then I gave her a pot and she left.

Jenni messaged me that she was ready to help me at the garden. So I put on protective shoes and socks and met her there. We worked on the irrigation system for hours, identifying leaks and either plugging them or replacing the lines. We found a roll of drip line in the shed, way in the back. We were unable to lift it so it became a game of moving things around till we could shove it to the front. We cut four lines off of the roll. Once we had the lines in place and not leaking too badly, we quit. Jenni went to open the Swap shop for her usual Wednesday hours.

I went home. Jen called and asked me to come for a quote. I called Jamie for help but she didn't answer so I left a message, and headed to Jen's house. However, Jamie pulled up right after I did. So we both went in and toured the house and talked to Jen. We conferred, then gave her a quote. Then Jamie left. I stayed to make sure she knew she could call me if she needed anything and that I would return tomorrow morning with a cleaning contract.

I went home to mow. I mowed part of both sides of the yard nearest the house. It was after 8 when I put the mower away and came inside. Chris had sent me a message then gone to bed. I read Telegram messages and watched some news videos. I worked on my blog. It was after 11 when I got ready for bed and climbed into the recliner.

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