Saturday, June 15, 2024

The gardening event


I got up at the normal time. I took supplements and made a list of recommended supplements by time of day to take them. Then I watered the plants. I worked on making the tool caddy, not having time to obsess over it. I learned as I went. There was a clean-up event at the community garden. I was 10 minutes late and found just Summer and her kids. I helped to weed around the fruit trees. I got hoses from the shed and connected to plot 11 to bring water to the fruit trees and strawberries (but I think they are dead). Jenni showed up with kids and helped for a bit, then took the kids home. Then I worked on my own garden: planted seeds and weeded.

Casey came by. I gave him a splitter. I told him he could have the hose from the house I'm cleaning. On the way home, I tried to get the hose off the house, but it wouldn't budge. It had tool marks on it so I assume she left it because she couldn't get it off either.

I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. I picked pokies from my socks (the outside and the inside). Sigh. Chris came home from the office. I worked hastily on the tool caddy. I placed the pieces on a 5-gallon bucket and took pics. I posted to the Facebook pages. I added to the grocery list. We went to the commissary for groceries, brought them home, put watermelon in fridge at the house I'm cleaning. Then we went to Tooele for a few things, including supplements, then came home.

I ate some ribs, and the jicama from last week. Chris went to Mass. I posted to the Facebook pages for Project Night. I worked on my blog. I made cheese squares. While they were baking, I improved the tool caddy. I took a pic of notes for Game Night.

I took a bag of rib bones to Michelle's house. Casey was out watering the lawn and plants. We went in and conversed. I asked him to freeze-dry the bones so I could crush them up for my garden.

The game was set up. I played from where I left off, but couldn't do much without a slate to write on. And it wasn't anywhere I could see. So I linked to a different world. I hadn't been there before so there was a lot to see. And a slate to draw on. I found the symbol for 'windstorm'. I wonder if it only works in that particular world? Finally I linked to the world that I had notes for. I went as far as I could by 11.

Casey said I could stay, but I wanted to keep my sleep time consistent. He gave me two bottles of iron fertilizer and two bottles of goat milk. I paid him, then I headed home.

When I got home, I brought the items inside. I left an open bottle of ammonia in my car to get rid of the moths. I put the cooled cheese squares away. I got ready for bed and laid in the recliner, listening to a sleep story. I think I did doze off, but woke up again at the hour mark and went to bed.

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