Sunday, June 30, 2024

Last minute Korean dinner


I got up before 7:30. Chris was long gone, gaming at the ACS building. I went outside to water the plants. I watered a gopher hole as well. But success came after I added the flow of water from a watering can. The resulting deluge brought the critter up. I put the hose in its face and it clamped onto it with it's teeth. But it would not give up until I hit it with a rock. Sadly. I dunked it in the bucket trap just to make sure it was dead. Then I wrapped it up and froze it in case taxidermy became an option.

I got dressed and went to the garden to water and check the irrigation system. When I got back, Chris was home, on his laptop. He was not ready to give me a massage, so I got on my laptop to read and listen. I checked my Myst V videos to see what I missed last night and to get ready for the next Game Night. Later I asked again, and he agreed to the massage. Afterward, I took a shower and put on clean clothes.

I made up a week's worth of supplements that I had, still waiting on that package. I made and ate breakfast while watching a video on Assange having possible ties to Israel. Michelle called to invite us to a Korean dinner, but Chris already had a game scheduled for tonight.

I went to the post office to pick up the package. Then I went to Keli's RV and cleaned the inside for 90 minutes. She promised to pay when she saw me at church. I went home to drop off the package.

I went and cleaned at 612 for an hour. I meant to clean longer but I was too tired. I took some stuff for the swap shop. I went home and vegged in front of the laptop for 30 minutes. Then I put on my bathing suit, grabbed the clock and went to the pool.

I was late, but Jenni didn't seem to mind. We talked of this and that. Casey came for a bit, then he had to go home and cook. Jenni and I stayed till 20 of 7, then went home. I changed into dry clothes and combed my hair.

I went to Michelle's house. I was the first to arrived. Michelle was setting out food on a sideboard. Then the Dents came, with Jenni close on their heels. When the food was all out, we got in line, filled our plates and sat at the table. The ladies had a nice conversation while the gents talked about whatever. The kids played with toys on the floor. There was a Hawaiian dish made of taro leaves. Very good. The rest of the dishes were Korean. Also delicious. There was cake but I didn't have any.

It broke up about 8:30. I was really tired. Michelle encouraged me to pack a plate for Chris, so I did. Then I went home. As I parked, I noticed the sprinklers were on. But they weren't reaching very far, and some were off altogether. Hmm.

I took the food inside and Chris put it in the fridge. I sat at my laptop and clicked on Call the Midwife. I watched the episode through. Chris came by to tell me he was going to bed. I hadn't realized his game was over. That episode ended and another one started.

Halfway through, I paused it and got ready for bed, brushing and supplements, etc. Then I went back to the laptop to work on my blog. I wanted to finish the episode if time remained, but it didn't. So I cued the music and settled into the recliner and eventually fell asleep.

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