Sunday, June 16, 2024

A gust of wind


I must have slept well because I got up at 7. I took supplements. I read e-mail and articles. I watered the plants in the front and back. I planted a corn with desiccated mice under it. I watered a gopher hole and the gopher came up. (He won't be going back down because he hit his head on a rock.) I put tools in the denim caddy and took another pic. I checked on my car. There was no ammonia smell, so I capped the bottle and put it away. Did it work?

I went to the garden to water those plants and empty the traps. Casey texted for the address to go get that hose. I went home where Chris was waiting to give me a massage. After the massage, I took a shower, then checked for messages.

I made and ate breakfast. I started cuttng some denim pieces for the sewing project. When I ran out of time, I took all the pieces and extra jeans and sewing stuff to class.

I opened the chapel and set up machines. The kids arrived. They brought their own jeans; ones they had gotten at the swap shop. I got them started cutting off the parts we were going to use. I helped Wilhem sew. But he actually did one seam totally on his own! Jenni came too, and made a tool caddy. We agreed to meet at the pool later.

I went home, had a drink, changed into my bathing suit and went to the pool. I set up my clock and climbed down into the deep end. I swam around and Jenni showed up. We talked as we swam around for an hour. A sudden strong gust of wind blew through and knocked over the lifeguard stand, turning his umbrella inside out. Thankfully he wasn't hurt. It also knocked over one of the tent-like shade structures. The people under it set it back up.

After the hour, I climbed out, toweled off and went home. Chris had pulled 4 big steaks from the oven. He had a bowl of rice with sesame oil on it for me. I cut up one steak and put it on the rice. Then I ate while reading e-mail. I also ate a carrot. Then I left for Project Night.

I unlocked the chapel again. Everything was still set up. I re-threaded a machine with black thread and fixed the hem of Chris' running shorts. It was embarrassing that he wore them to the Army birthday run. MeryAnn came, as did Jenni and Casey. They each had their own project. Later Avery came and wanted to make something. He liked the suggestion of a hanging pocket. So I showed him the steps (which I mis-remembered) and he followed all my instructions with great care and concentration. It was awesome! And it fit his phone.

When everyone was done, we packed up. They helped me carry stuff to my car. We stood in the parking lot talking. Finally I excused myself and drove home. Chris and I dressed the bed in clean sheets. The milk jug of homemade laundry soap was leaking, so I poured it into the other containers. Then I got ready for bed. I read messages and listened to a podcast. Then I put on an audio of Sherlock Holmes stories at low volume and rested in the recliner. I think I dozed off. When I woke up, I went to bed.

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