Saturday, June 29, 2024



I got up around 8. I brushed, etc. I watered all the plants and some gopher holes. I read e-mail for awhile. Then I went to the garden to water and check the traps. Everything seemed ok. I went to 612 to clean for 2 hours. I loaded some of the stuff in my car and took it to the swap shop. I talked to Saronna and Summer who were there. Then I checked for mail, and went home.

I made and ate breakfast, and listened to part 2 of “A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelenski”. I finished off the watermelon and the pineapple. Chris came home from the office and made his lunch. I looked at my master list of usual groceries and made a list for today. Most of it we can get at the commissary. So we did. However, I needed some K2 and they only had one brand, and it had soybean oil in it. Everything else we got. Chris stopped at the shoppette and I looked there, but they didn't have it.

We went home and put the groceries away. I called Michelle to see if she could order it on Amazon prime. But she said they only deliver on T, W, Th in Dugway.

Chris gave me a new game sheet. We talked about how to fill it out. The possibilities are overwhelming. I texted John for his opinion. He suggested learning how everything works and then choosing. Ha!

I went outside to mow. I saw a new gopher mound so I dug it up, looking for the tunnel. No luck. I dug up another one. Still no luck. Then I saw a hole that looked old. I put the hose in it and a gopher came out. I hit it with the hose and then dropped it in the bucket trap to make sure it was dead. Then I put it in a baggie and wrapped it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer. I texted Michelle and she was impressed.

John texted more and I texted back. I mowed patches of the side yard. I made a salad for supper. I turned on the rotating sprinkler. I got online and ordered some stuff that was going off sale. I worked on my blog and made sure I was ready for Game Night. I turned off the sprinkler. I grabbed a jar of goat cheese and headed out.

When I got to Michelle's house, the game wasn't up. But Casey got out his raspberry pie set-up and got it working. Michelle seemed tired but she sat and talked to me as I played. I finished one of the worlds and worked on the other two. She went to bed before 11. At 11, I exited the game, thanked Casey, and headed home. Chris was already in bed asleep. I got ready for bed, then queued up some sleep music. I listened with headphones from the recliner till I fell asleep. I woke up after one sleep cycle and went to bed.

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