Wednesday, June 12, 2024

FRG meeting


I got up around 7:30. I took supplements and got ready for the day. I read some e-mail, then watered all the outdoor plants. I stopped at the post office to mail a card, then went to the garden to make sure the water was on. Mrs. Dent was there. I showed her the sheds and greenhouse. She is a horticulturist so we are hoping she can help us grow better gardens. I emptied the bucket traps.

I went to Jen's house to clean for two hours. I worked in the kitchen and cleaned windows. Lisa called and told me she created a Forth of July theme at the swap shop. I left at 12:30 to go home for breakfast.

I read more e-mail, then went to Saronna's place to play. Of course we talked more than played. But we did try 76 Trombones. It did not go well. I promised her I would check out the watering situation on the apple tree.

But I forgot. I took my trombone home, had a bit to eat, then went to Jen's house for another two hours of cleaning. I took down the kitchen blinds to soak in the tub because they were so greasy.

It was quarter of 6 when I got home. I checked messages, and then Chris took me to the ACS building for the FRG meeting. When we arrived, we checked out the next season of WTR, then found seats in the ACS room. I chatted with some people. The colonel started the meeting and turned it over to Charity and Summer. We discussed the garden, the apple tree, the mandatory sign-up with CDC, and events in July. Then the meeting ended, but most stayed to put up the tables and chairs. And we stayed to talk.

It was after 8 when we got home. I made and ate a carrot salad with greens from my tower garden. Then I drove over to the apple tree to check the water setup. When I got back, I made tea. We watched one episode of WTR. Then Chris finished up with his computer and went to bed. I stayed up to finish my blog post and message with Michelle. Then I put on the sleep music and hit the recliner. I dozed off and woke up hearing two people discussing gut health. Then I went to bed.

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