Tuesday, June 4, 2024

When the cat is away, the mouse makes cheese


I stayed in bed, not knowing what time it was until I heard the 8am alarm. Chris was gone, suitcases and all. I lingered a bit longer to do some mental programming, then got up to start my day. The house smelled like burnt rice so I brought the air purifier out from the bedroom and put it in the kitchen. I also opened some windows.

I finished the interview with the lady who wrote a book on nuclear war. Then another came up from the same interviewer on calories and fat and sugar. While listening, I rearranged the hymn list to put all the ones in the same key together. I watered all the plants and blasted some gopher mounds.

I posted to all three Facebook pages for band practice. I made up a week's worth of breakfast mix. I heated two quarts of goat milk in a pan to 100F, then transferred it to the dehydrator which will keep it at just the right temp for a long time. I spiked it with a probiotic used in yogurt. Then I headed another two quarts in the same pan, but to 180F. While it was heating, I made and ate breakfast. I went to the post office to get the mail and picked up my new cheesemaking kit. I talked to the head postmaster.

When I got home, I scanned two hymns into the computer. I cleaned them up a bit, then printed. The first one printed well, but not the second one. I tried printing again and it was worst. So I left it alone for the rest of the afternoon.

I listened to a long interview. I finished both the vinegar cheese and the rennet cheese. Still makes a mess. I heated up ground beef with sliced sweet potato for supper. I used a black pen to fill in the spots on the two hymns that didn't print out well. I did a quick clean of my slide and added some oil because it was so dry.

I took my trombone and music and drove to the chapel. Saronna and her family were waiting for me, as well as a new lady – who was carrying a trombone! I had Wilhelm unlock the door as I introduced myself and got her name.

We all went in and set up up front. Keli came to play piano. The five of us played through two hymns, Bethany taking the tenor part. Then we played through some Broadway tunes. We did some solos together and some harmony. Finally my lip gave out. We packed up. I thanked her for coming. She offered to volunteer for the math program and the swap shop. I told her the math was done for the summer but I could use help with the sewing class. She agreed.

When I got home, I typed her number into my phone and texted her, offering a tour of the swap shop. Chris called and we chatted a bit. Then I watched one episode of Call the Midwife. Afterward, I got ready for bed. I listened to more of an interview on permaculture. Then I put on the Silva sleep video and climbed into the recliner.

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