Thursday, June 27, 2024

Workout and watermelon


I got up when Chris left for work. Then I went outside and watered all the plants. I made coffee and started the exercises. In between meditation sessions, I vacuumed and cleaned the bathrooms. Afterward, I washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I took a shower and got dressed.

I headed to the gym to meet Michelle, but she passed me going to my house. So I turned around and followed her. She was bringing me 4 quarts of goat milk. I grabbed the 5 gallon water jug and we went to the shoppette to fill it. There was a man changing the filters in the water machine. He took a break to fill my jug and he didn't charge me. Then we headed to the gym.

First we walked the upstairs track. I told her my recent news and she told me hers, including the pioneer trek that she just finished with Isadora. Then we went to the weight rooms to use the machines. Actually, she just talked while I lifted. After my workout, we went to my house and she carried the water jug inside.

She went home. I was feeling a little dizzy so I ate watermelon and read e-mail. I took the pieces of rind out to ferment, but the bucket I was going to use had black sludge in it – something I fermented last year. I dug up some gopher holes and shared it with them.

Jamie sent me her hours. I ran the figures to come up with totals without long decimals. Then I put her share of the cash in an envelope and sent her a text.

I headed out to clean and suddenly remembered the garden. I turned and went there. I watered by hand, wondering why everything was so dry. No mice in the trap. Then it started to rain. I got in my car and headed to 612.

I spent an hour and a half cleaning windows and baseboards, and vacuuming up ants. I called Jamie to find out which side of the road the trash bins go on. Then I rolled them out to the curb.

I went home and talked to Chris. He hadn't gotten the mail. So I went to the post office, but there was no mail. I went home and turned on the sprinkler because it hadn't rained after I left the garden. I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read and watch. Finally I got ready for bed. I put on sleep music and laid in the recliner. It took awhile to fall asleep. But when I woke after the first sleep cycle, I got up and went to bed.

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