Sunday, January 11, 2009

All in a Sunday

Getting ready for church this morning I realized the downside of having a design wall where the hairdryer is used. Thankfully I discovered this before too many pieces came off.
Several days ago Chris came home from the commissary and very proudly showed me his purchase - 2 large jars of mincemeat. I hated to tell him that I have never liked mincemeat. So he made two pies and brought them to church today. We had a party for a baptism and a going away. There were many desserts there and not much of any one got eaten. Michele was invited to another party this evening. Afterwards we stopped by a friends house to feed their cat. We went home and I read for a while and fell asleep. When I got up, Michele and I did Calculus together while Chris went to the library. When it was nearly time for the party, Chris went with Michele on the subway to meet a young man who would accompany her from the subway to the party location, which turned out to be a Bennigans. Chris came home and we watched a movie until she called. Chris met her at the nearest station to our house and they walked home. I'd like to say she took a shower and went to bed, but in the middle of her shower she started throwing up. She went to bed after that, but then got up again for round two. Chris fixed her a cup of tea, but it didn't stay down. She went to bed again, but couldn't avoid round 3. I've just cleaned that up and let's hope it is over now. She blames it on alfredo sauce, with which she has a history.

1 comment:

Gwenda said...

Had to laugh at your incident with the hairdryer!

Poor Michele. Hope it has passed and stays away!