Sunday, January 18, 2009

Church can be scary...

This afternoon I used my new VCR to watch The Blair Witch Project while I ironed fabric out of the dryer. Chris and Michele had marveled at my choice in movies, saying it was a scary movie. I had heard that it wasn't so scary. Well, I kept watching, waiting for the scary part and it never came. There was a lot of screaming, but I didn't see anything to scream at. In fact I'd have to say church this morning was a lot scarier.
I was as scared this morning in church as I have ever been in my life. No joke. Three quarters of the way through the service, there was suddenly this deafening noise like 1000 bombers flying overhead. Michele said it was like a gunshot that never stopped. I was sure we were all soon dead. I crouched down and covered my ears and head. I was in tears. It was so loud my ears hurt. It seemed to go on for a long time. But no bombs fell. After a while it stopped and the service proceded as usual. But I couldn't stop shaking. I think it must have triggered some childhood trauma that I don't remember.
After supper I traded chair backs on the blue chairs so that the torn back was on the chair with the torn seat. Now I have three perfectly good chairs and only need to recover one.


Gwenda said...

Ever find out what the sound was?

Fern said...

They say it was the P.A. system, and that it has happened before.