Sunday, January 25, 2009

Around the block(s)

I woke up slowly this morning, dreaming that I was back in the U.S. I didn't want to wake up and deal with the reality of being so far away. When I finally did wake up, we had only 20 minutes to get ready for church. Luckily we made it and were only 2 minutes late. After church we had refreshments and I signed up for the Buddhist temple retreat. We stopped by Tina's house then to pick up my fabric that had gotten mixed in with hers. Then we stopped by the Lunds house, so they could pay Michele for taking care of their cat while they were gone. Arriving home, we admired the snowfall. While it snowed, we watched a Batman movie and did computer stuff. I also started a chicken-themed teacup and made some simple blocks in preparation for our block swap. Some of the members expressed an interest in finding simple blocks so they could complete the project before they have to leave Korea. So I thought since we will be having a meeting at my place on Feb 2nd, I could make some simple blocks as decoration for my walls and as samples for those that want suggestions. I made 4 blocks, but as usual, choosing the fabric took the longest.

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