Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Day

When I woke up, Chris and Michele were home. He had fetched her in the middle of the night from a babysitting job. I checked my e-mail, had breakfast, cleaned a little, did some mending, etc. Then Chris suggested having some mushrooms with supper. Since the commissary was closed, I suggested going to the Korean market outside gate 17. So off we went. We drove to gate 17 and parked. Then we walked. When we found the market it was closed. Unfortunately. But we did find a man selling apples from the back of his truck and we bought some. We walked back to gate 17 and drove home. Kurt Skyped me and we had a good chat.
For supper Chris cooked 3 Cornish game hens. It reminded me of an old joke in our family: It is said in German but it means "Each man sticks his own bird". Chris also ccoked glazed carrots, wild rice and baked cinnamon apples for dessert. Then I opened a box of chocolates I had saved. After supper Michele did her hour of Calculus and went to bed. Then we talked to Chris' parents via Skype. Afterwards, I stayed up typing all my stateside e-mail addresses into our account so Facebook could tell me if any of my friends are on Facebook. But Facebook wouldn't do it. So I had to search each one individually. I apologize if I missed anybody.

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