Friday, May 29, 2009


It's Friday and my inlaws are here. I got up early to make Michele's sandwich, and Chris took her to school. That's when I noticed that she left her lunch on the counter. I called her, and she said she could leave school at lunch time since her 4th period teacher said there was no point in coming to class today - I guess he has senioritis too. I went back to bed to read and fell asleep. Later I awoke to find my in-laws were up. So we visited. Chris came home. Then we all went to post to get ID cards for his parents. It involved some waiting but we were home before lunch. That was good because today is the Korean ex-president's funeral and traffic is expected to be quite heavy. Then Chris and his dad walked to the commissary to get lunch items. Michele came home and had lunch with us. After that we all discussed possible itineraries for the coming week. Cecily wanted to go out to eat for Chris' birthday, but there was still the traffic problem. We thought the restaurants would be crowded. I worked on the binding of a quilt and finally finished it. Later we had supper and visited some more. Then Chris and Michele went to post to see a Terminator movie. I read my e-mail and discovered "Toe reading". Such amazing things on the internet.


Gail said...

Hi Fern,
I'm still enjoying your blog. Please give Al and Cecily hugs for me!
Gail DeBurgh

Fern said...

I will. They appreciate that.