Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I wasn't up all that late last night, but I was tired this morning and slept in. So I didn't get to the thrift shop until after 10. MaryAnn has moved from responsibility for the books to responsibility for consignments, so she left me the books. Between the books and the videos, I was busy for four hours. We had such a large donation of hardback fiction that it wouldn't all fit on the shelves. So I left some back in the back. Hopefully a lot of books will sell tomorrow to make room for the rest.
After that, I walked to the hooch to clean. I scrubbed the floors in the bathroom, main room and some of the bedroom. What exhausting work. Also pulled out the stove and cleaned behind it. Then at 5 Chris took me home. I had to rest for awhile. We had supper, and watched a Mummy movie. I sorted leftover squares to make up a baby quilt top. Several, in fact. Now I am ready to go to bed.

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