Friday, May 8, 2009

Interesting Day...

I stayed home again today in order to sew and bake. Andrea asked me to make her a bag and gave me a picture to work from. Knowing that there are a LOT of free patterns for stuff on the internet, I diligently searched. About 11am our realestate agent called to say that some men were coming at 1 to put in another AC unit. I assumed it would go in the computer room until I called Chris and he said he was told that was not possible, so it would go in my sewing room. Hmmm. Well, at that point I was in the middle of making three batches of dough to make rolls for church. The men came, and spoke no English. So each time they asked me something, I called Chris and he got someone in his office to talk to them. Well, after Michele came home from school, one guy left and the other one asked for 35,000 won. With Michele's help, we determined that he was actually asking for 350,000 won, which I didn't have. So Chris went to get it. But then I noticed that they had routed the AC hose through the window so that it wouldn't shut. So I tried to explain to them that that was not satisfactory. Especially since they had already drilled a hole for it, and then patched it. Well, along came a very nice lady who spoke both languages and she helped us to communicate. It seems they are not allowed to drill a hole, and that it is the landlord's responsibility to seal the window above the hose so that bugs and water cannot get in. AND the landlord is paying for the AC unit and installation! Well, that part is good news. So Chris didn't have to come to pay after all. Then the landlord's agent came over to settle things. Finally I got to finish the third batch of rolls. And bake as many as would fit in the oven. I finished a sample bag like Andrea wanted for her daughter. Then they both came over to look at it and approve it. Yea! Then I cleared out my e-mail and will go to bed as soon as I put the rolls away.

1 comment:

Gwenda said...

Ohhh... I like that bag!