Saturday, May 2, 2009


We would have slept in, but Chris got a phone call and had to rush into work, but not for long. Then he drove me on post to pick up a key to another hooch I plan to clean. This time I am asking for $200 since the other one took so much longer thatn I thought. Then we went to the PX to get a magazine. A friend had given me a coupon for a free one. But when I got to the check-out, the man said it was only for teenage books. Well, it didn't say that, but he wouldn't honor it, so I paid for it and took it to the refund counter. They gave me my money back. Whew!
Then we stopped by the thrift shop to drop off some videos we didn't want anymore and some cleaners that I 'inherited' from the hooch I cleaned. Since we were there, Chris checked out the DVD's and bought 8. That cost $40. I got 12 VHS tapes for $2. Then when we got back to the apartment, he watched a DVD called 'Spiderman 2'. I worked on cleaning the apartment since we invited a friend to dinner for Sunday night.

Then we picked up Tina and rode the subway to Immoneem's house. (She's the lady who is giving us Korean lessons) She had another student there and the four of us did the best we could. Chris sat in the other room with her husband. It was still hard work and I wondered for the umteenth time how to politely got out of it.
When we got home, I watered the flowers for the second time today. They really suck water! Oh, and they fill the apartment with such a good smell. We also worked on laundry. I folded three loads earlier. There is another one, all fabric, in the dryer now. I'll have to check it soon, since I like to remove them ever so slightly damp. They iron better that way.

***First photo from the flower market, the other two from Thailand***

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