Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More work

Actually today was a good day. I did some sewing (finshed the quilt top that is pictured in my last post), read a few chapters in a book Michele wants me to finish so she can return it to her friend, and finished cleaning the hooch. I realize that there maybe a little more to do after the man actually moves out for the last time, but until then I am finished. Of course, my in-laws are coming the end of next week, so I guess now I should clean my own place. I prefer cleaning other people's places for money over cleaning my own for nothing.
Here are the roses that grow on the wall around our apartment complex.


Gwenda said...

Beautiful roses! Have a great visit with your MIL and FIL!

Fern said...

I wish I could grow roses like that. Thanks for the good wishes.