Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Company's coming

Because Chris had told me we were having company for supper, after fixing the sandwiches I started cleaning up. I vaccuum on a regular basis, but this kind of cleaning involves clutter - not my strong point. But I was able to clear the kitchen table and throw the tablecloth into the washer. Then I went to the thrift shop. I intended to leave there at 2, but no one else was leaving and there were more books to shelve, so I stayed. I selected about 6 books to go to the swap shelf at the library. The shop was throwing out items that had been around too long, so I got a juicer for $2 and some small wooden shadow boxes. Mary Ann and I collected some things for the Stork's Nest and delivered them to the hospital. We also dropped the swap books into the book drop. Maybe not what they wanted, but I can't stand throwing books away. Then she dropped me off at my gate. I went home and cleaned some more, clearing the coffee table and end tables and Michele's bathroom. Then I put the food that Chris had prepared in the oven. While I was putting the vaccuum away, Chris came in with 2 young KATUSAs (Korean Attachment to the U. S. Army). One had been Chris' assistant and was leaving. The other one was his replacement. We had an interesting chat, then dinner. They brought a box of small bottles of juice as a hostess gift. They were impressed with Chris' chicken, saying that it was easy to chew, as opposed to the dining hall chicken. Then Chris took them back to post.

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