Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thrift and Dirt

I stepped on the scale this morning and was horrified to see that I don't weigh any less. I feel thinner, however. That must count for something.
Today I worked at the thrift shop. I meant to take a picture so you could see what it looks like inside, but as usual I forgot. Today made up for all the days that there weren't many books to shelve. The bin was full and overflowing. There wereat least 4 grocery bags full lying on the floor and THREE boxes full besides. We now have ALL the romance novels one could possibly sell in a year! Someone must have cleaned out their stash. We also got several years worth of women's magazines and model train magazines. And a whole box full of audio cassette tapes. Unfortunately most of them were home-recorded and we can't sell those. I put them in the free to volunteers box. I worked until 3, breaking only to eat my dried seaweed and squid (only 88 calories an ounce).
Then I walked to the Post Office to mail a package, then to the Four Seasons to get a bigger pot for my tomato plant and some dirt. I also went by the Px, then to the bus stop to catch a ride home. It was almost 5. I spent the evening watching Youtube videos. But I don't think the family watched a James Bond movie. Chris went to bed early because he has a VTC at 5am tomorrow.

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