Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dinner and a movie

We woke at 9, just in time to get ready for church. My red dress fit well, but I was hoping it would feel a little loose. Michele slept in. We arrived at church with a few minutes to spare. I was intrigued with the flower arrangements so I took a picture. After church we had refreshments, as usual. Nancy brought a lovely pecan pie. She is also having surgery this week for a detached retina. Yikes! Apparently it is something that just happens all of a sudden for no reason and without pain.
We stopped by the commissary for groceries, then returned home. I spent the afternoon working on two baby quilt tops and Chris and Michele played on their computers. Chris made an outstanding cabbage soup. I limited myself to one bowl, but could easily have eaten more. After supper we went to the theatre to see the new Harry Potter movie. Either it was so long ago that I don't remember it or they changed the story to make the movie.
My attitude towards weight must be changing. We saw a thin woman in a James Bond movie. I said "She's really thin" and Michele said "Yes, isn't it disgusting?" and I said "Makes me want to fix her a sandwich." I discovered on Youtube that there are videos glorifying thinness. They are called Thinspo videos. I guess anorexia has its fans.

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