Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thrift shop

I don't remember what I did this morning. I do remember not being dressed at 10 when the guy came to fix the door lock. I quickly showered and dressed, then left for the thrift shop. Michele was still in the apt in case he needed anything. At the thrift shop I put up books, videos, DVDs etc. I also threw out such stuff as hadn't sold for some time. I organized the magazines. I bought all the James Bond tapes as Chris requested (there were 17). I also got some knick knack stuff that was being thrown out. I had my seaweed and dried squid for lunch, but couldn't finish the squid. After we closed, MaryAnn drove us to the hospital where we dropped off a wheelchair that someone donated. Then we went by someones apt for a signature, but they were gone. Finally at my gate we parked and talked for awhile. Then I came home to find a completely new lock on the door. But Michele let me in. When Chris got home, he suggested we go see Star Trek at the theatre again. I agreed, but Michele wanted to stay home. However, her phone rang a little later, and she was out the door to go with a friend to a Chinese restaurant. Chris and I had supper and then went to the movie. Michele was not home when we got home, but came home after Chris went to bed. She showered and went straight to bed so I can only hope she had a good time.

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