Monday, July 20, 2009

Quilters on the Move

I wore my new top to quilt group today. No one remarked on it. I also rode the bus there for the first time. I had planned to bind the official Yongsan Quilters quilt as a demo. But although it was basted, it was skewed. We tried to straighten it, took some basting out, etc, but in the end the group voted to take it to the longarm demo next week and let them finish it up as a practice piece. Then we can bind it and be done with it. Hope that works. Then we worked on baby quilts for awhile and broke for lunch. Some people were standing in the hall whispering and looking into the kitchen. So we invited them in. Turns out they are contractors here to measure the space and convert it into offices. They plan to start work in two weeks. HELLO! When was anybody going to mention this to us or the many other people that use this space on a regular basis? Not that I am bitter, but it would be nice to be NOTIFIED in ADVANCE! So after lunch we visited some rooms at the South Post Chapel, where the quilt group used to meet. All we have to do to get that room back is fill out a form and get a signature. Nice big room, windows, outlets, 6 foot tables. Everything but storage. We generated some ideas for that too, but need permission from the South Post Chapel chaplain to implement. So next Monday after lunch we will move all our stuff to Tina's shed, temporarily.
Then I walked out gate 19 to pickup the picture I commissioned from a photograph. It turned out well, and is now next door at the framers. Ready for pick-up on Friday. Then I took the bus to my gate. Michele had to let me in because the electronic door lock is not working. After supper I adjusted my neckline by threading a string through it to take up the slack and keep it from gaping. Worked well. Then I watched a movie on selp hypnosis. Then I went to my computer to check e-mail, and watch Youtube inspirational videos.
Oh, the videos I mentioned yesterday won't load to Blogger so they are on my Facebook page. Sorry.

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