Monday, July 6, 2009

Quilting Day

Today was a training holiday. Michele had to work, but Chris didn't. But he got up at the regular time and drove her to work, then went to his own office for a while. I packed my bags with all the stuff I needed for the quilt group meeting and the lesson I would teach later. Carina picked me up at the gate. We opened the room and got out our supplies. Then Darlene joined us. It was just the three of us for over an hour. Then several more people arrived. I think we did as much talking as working but we got at least the three tops I brought in finished, and several more in process. Then we packed up and had lunch. Debi brought vegetable sushi which was very good, and sections of grapefruit. Carina brought pickled cucumber slices and strawberries. MMMM. And I brought mixed nuts. But we had enough for all those who stayed. And we made plans to go to Dongdaemun on Friday morning.
Carina drove me to Gate 19. I walked to the home where the kids were having lunch and waiting for me to teach them. Todays lesson was to sew around a shape and make an ornament. Also to thread the machine and put in the bobbin. They all did very well. Then I walked out gate 19 to the painters place. I gave him a picture to make into a painting and he said he could. But it wasn't cheap. Then I walked back and got a ride to my gate. Michele and Chris were both home on their computers. I worked a bunch of Sudoku puzzles, then folded laundry as we watch a DVD.

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