Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sewing Lesson

I prepared my sewing lesson for the afternoon, and got a letter ready to mail. I caught the bus to the thrift shop. I wanted to walk, but since my foot is alternating between purple and green, I thought that maybe I should take it easy on the walking. There was not a lot of books to shelve, so I got that done and put up videos too. Then I selected books for the book sale this Saturday. A lot of them were computer books from 2000. I hope whatever doesn't sell gets thrown out. Then I caught the bus to the house where I teach. Today's lesson was how to make a pillow case. The kids did really well. But it went long and I didn't get home until after Chris did. Michele went to the awards ceremony for me. I got an honorable mention, and since she picked up the certificate, her picture was taken with Col. Hall. If I had known that I might have cut the lesson short. Chris cooked chicken and potatoes for supper. Then we watched another James Bond video. I finally got a chance to answer e-mail. Now I am ready for bed.

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