Thursday, July 2, 2009

I finally threw something away

AFter packing lunches, I did some more mopping on the porch. It is so dirty that I have to change the water often. That could be hard on my back so I do a little each day. Cleaning it once a year is the least I can do. Ha, ha.
I took the 10 am bus to the thrift shop. I stopped briefly at the furniture store to look at shelving but it was expensive. Then I spent 4 hours getting videos out on the floor. It looked like a video store had gone out of business and donated all their videos. Well, the only way they would fit in the assigned space was to throw some out. And I really did. I might have thrown over a hundred away. But it felt good to get rid of stuff that wasn't selling. Debi stopped by to talk about our getting stuff donated to the Stork's Nest. Then we closed up shop and MaryAnn came over to my apartment. I had seen hers last week. I doubt she was as impressed with my home as I was with hers, although she did remark on the amount of fabric I had. Michele came home, and then Chris. Mary Ann had to leave. So we had supper and they played on their computers while I played on my new keyboard. I am topping off the night by watching Schoolhouse Rock videos on Youtube. It really takes me back.

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