Tuesday, March 9, 2010

If you think I have a lot of fabric at home...

When I got up to fix the sandwich, Michele was ahead of me, fixing her own. After making and placing the sandwich, I sat down at my computer to write the blog entry that I missed last night. When I got up I found that my back was tight and sore. Surprising and annoying. I tried to think what might have caused it. I did not have time to be hampered so because of the luncheon and plans to buy fabric there for the group. So I laid down, and tried the Silva Method of going into the alpha state and basically doing self-hypnosis into feeling better. Strangely enough, it worked. Within 5 minutes of coming out of alpha, I felt fine. But time had flown. I dressed quickly, grabbed my rolling cart, and rushed out to meet Pam at the gate. We drove to the DHL, and signed in for the luncheon. Mr. Kang had brought the rolls of the fabric I wanted for the baby quilts our group makes, and I asked for all of it. But when he said there were over 100 yards on that one roll, I reconsidered. Since the next largest roll had 60 yards, I only got 60 yards of the first one. I got two others rolls as well. He gave me a good price, but it still cost me over 400,000 won. Of course I bought fabric for me too. That I had to pay for in dollars. 108 dollars. The price had gone up .50/yard. I was going to load all that fabric on my little cart, but he pulled out a much larger one. He asked his assistant to take it out for me. Well, the only place I had for it was the SPC, so he followed me over there dragging the cart. Since my personal fabric was on there too, I left it with the rest, in the storage room. Then we walked back. I was still in time to make the opening of the luncheon, which was good for Mary Ann because she wanted me to help her hand out birthday treats. The luncheon was a very dressy affair this month, with a Red Carpet theme. Too bad I didn't have time to put such an ensemble together. Lunch was a smorgasbord of salads and salad bar. So I was able to get a whole plateful of food that was fresh and unprocessed. You should have seen the dessert set up though. Some people came back with entire plates full of little treats. Then we were treated to a performance of the Seoul Sisters dance troup doing a line dance - very country and western. ? One lady was whooping and hollering at some of the dancers' moves. So afterwards when they invited the general gathering to come up and try line dancing, I stayed put. After the luncheon, I stayed behind with MaryAnn to kibitz. Then she drove me to my gate. I saw snow flurries and wanted to get home and be warm. I got on my computer for while, but was in my sewing room cutting more charm squares when Chris came home. He fixed beans, cheese, broccoli and spaghetti for supper. I passed on the spaghetti. Michele came home just in time for supper. We got a Netflix movie called "The Queen" with Helen Mirren. I enjoyed it very much. Then it was time for blog and bed.

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